Counseling is a very personal decision and is often approached with resistance, hesitation, or skepticism. If you find yourself experiencing these feelings or beliefs as you are exploring the idea of integrating counseling into your personal journey, you are not alone.
However, counseling has shown to improve mental health and quality of life. More and more agencies and insurance providers are adding mental health counselors as available resources. Clinical mental health counselor training programs are growing like never before and the number of licensed counselors in each state is growing faster than any other professional mental health provider license.
We are seeing such a tremendous growth in the number of licensed counselors, the number of counselors in training, the number people requesting counseling, and the number of resources supporting counseling because of the positive impact it can have.
Just as you are not alone in your reservation about taking that next step, you are not alone in recognizing that you may need to. Working with a licensed professional counselor may be exactly what you need to help you move forward. Schedule an intake now and explore how counseling can work for you.